Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friendship, iTouch-ing and call-ing!


Haven't posted for awhile , been busy!

A happy busy though..

I'm two years post implant , and just day before yesterday...I heard the phone ringing as I was expecting my mom for a weekend visit.

It was her sister.:)

Ayup , I picked it up and had a brief chat.A VERY understanding chat.and I didn't realize it until later.

I finally feel like all my hard work has paid off.I finally realize I've FINALLY taken off where I wanted to be...

For awhile I was feeling struggling , but I can't be more thankful than I am to my friends , my CI friends , who were happier than I was! They kept me going and they kept encouraging me , even when I grumbled.I feel sooooooo happier now , and as if a circle is closing here.

I also watched a greek show , the other day , and could understand at least 70-80% of it!! I was laughing , and shared it with a couple of my friends.

Three years ago , I realized I was losing my hearing,I realized I couldn't phone or call my parents.I couldn't feel anything except tired and struggling.

Yesterday I was just relaxing , and I could differentiate from when it was my turn in Scrabble ( was playing a game with some gals and lost. ) from when my MSN messenger or Skype dinged.Or FB chat ping.And it felt NORMAL.

I could hear the word curtains being shouted from outside , someone in his van was selling curtains and bamboo furniture - I think also carpets , but not sure - and it was a bit flooring!

I also got an iTouch , and loving it.Listening to music ( I've even loaned it to my mom y'day to listen to her talk radio show that she missed. )

it's been a charm!

I also realized , that I've got some friendships for at least this long , two years.Others are a year long , or just under the year mark.

And yet.

I just sit back and think...I've hosted a friend :) , am preparing to see another , am hoping to see yet another implanted , few are going bilateral , and yet.I'm still here.

CI didn't only gave me the miracle of hearing.( and it's the most profound miracle! ) but also the miracle of having all these friends.My mind is scrolling with all the friendships I've made online.My heart bursts with every single one , and some for me , are the dearest of all.

It gave me the miracle to know who is my true friends , who is happy with my triumphs , who is with me when I get down , who is kicking my butt when I over do it!

I can't wait to hear my nephew crying in my ear , or hearing him snuffling and fussing( sorry cousin! you'd want a peaceful son! LOL! ) and my honorary nephew's doing the same ( sorry Kara! )

I can't wait for more adventures , hearing or not.

Back to my iTouch...WHY doesn't it has a blogger app ? ! ? Hmmmm....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Some friends I see almost every day.I say good morning to them.We exchange pleasantries , smiles , how's you , small talk.

Some I was seeing every day when I was a lil kid.We still catch up from time , either when we visit each other , or via text , emails , to time.With some , I've lost contact , or have frozen our relationships.Childhood memories make me think of them as friends though.

Some I talk to them every day online.Commenting on each other's FB walls.Most of them I've almost never met them , except our online chats.Some I've met , some not , but I care for each of them.I'll think of them , even if they're at the other side of the globe.Or in far-flung corners.I don't care.Or in different time zones.We make it work out.

And there are friends , either here , or online , that really 'get' me , or me them.Some have a CI as me.Some have two.Some have none ,but they try to understand.

I have friends very near and dear of my heart.And I'm glad I have them.Because they're here.For me.Either in the same town , or in a far flung corner.

It's all that matters.

This post , is dedicated to all of you.We come from different walks of life , have different views , beliefs , values.Some are the same , some slightly different , but , we are working together to build this bridge that is called FRIENDSHIP.

My wish , that this bridge , from me to each one of you , never crumbles.Or to each from you , to your friends.But , never let it crumble if you can help it.
If you are reading it , sit back a moment , and think about your friends.and smile , revel in their caring and love for you , and in your caring and love for you.