Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friendship, iTouch-ing and call-ing!


Haven't posted for awhile , been busy!

A happy busy though..

I'm two years post implant , and just day before yesterday...I heard the phone ringing as I was expecting my mom for a weekend visit.

It was her sister.:)

Ayup , I picked it up and had a brief chat.A VERY understanding chat.and I didn't realize it until later.

I finally feel like all my hard work has paid off.I finally realize I've FINALLY taken off where I wanted to be...

For awhile I was feeling struggling , but I can't be more thankful than I am to my friends , my CI friends , who were happier than I was! They kept me going and they kept encouraging me , even when I grumbled.I feel sooooooo happier now , and as if a circle is closing here.

I also watched a greek show , the other day , and could understand at least 70-80% of it!! I was laughing , and shared it with a couple of my friends.

Three years ago , I realized I was losing my hearing,I realized I couldn't phone or call my parents.I couldn't feel anything except tired and struggling.

Yesterday I was just relaxing , and I could differentiate from when it was my turn in Scrabble ( was playing a game with some gals and lost. ) from when my MSN messenger or Skype dinged.Or FB chat ping.And it felt NORMAL.

I could hear the word curtains being shouted from outside , someone in his van was selling curtains and bamboo furniture - I think also carpets , but not sure - and it was a bit flooring!

I also got an iTouch , and loving it.Listening to music ( I've even loaned it to my mom y'day to listen to her talk radio show that she missed. )

it's been a charm!

I also realized , that I've got some friendships for at least this long , two years.Others are a year long , or just under the year mark.

And yet.

I just sit back and think...I've hosted a friend :) , am preparing to see another , am hoping to see yet another implanted , few are going bilateral , and yet.I'm still here.

CI didn't only gave me the miracle of hearing.( and it's the most profound miracle! ) but also the miracle of having all these friends.My mind is scrolling with all the friendships I've made online.My heart bursts with every single one , and some for me , are the dearest of all.

It gave me the miracle to know who is my true friends , who is happy with my triumphs , who is with me when I get down , who is kicking my butt when I over do it!

I can't wait to hear my nephew crying in my ear , or hearing him snuffling and fussing( sorry cousin! you'd want a peaceful son! LOL! ) and my honorary nephew's doing the same ( sorry Kara! )

I can't wait for more adventures , hearing or not.

Back to my iTouch...WHY doesn't it has a blogger app ? ! ? Hmmmm....

1 comment:

  1. What do you think contributed to you progress? I seem to remember reading before that you were struggling to understand people and wondered how it was so easy for some CI users to hear and understand.

    Did you start practicing more? Use certain materials? Or different therapy?

